The motion camera!!!
Hi everyone. Yes I know that the few of you that read this will be glad to know I am back. It has been a long summer for many reasons. And as you all know, when you are busy, some things fall to the way side. My blog was one of them. Sorry about that for you and for me. I missed sharing a few thing.
So in light of that thought, I thought it would be funny to tell you about a FAIL to and idea.Many people in the world love to follow others in hopes that they mess up and are then forced to admit it - I know that this makes many feel better about themselves. Well here is one of those times for me. I thought I had a great idea and it so far has totally backfired.
I was very certain that if I put up a trail sensor triggered camera, I would see what is visiting the coop day and night. I have seen possums, raccoons, squirrels, mice etc at random times.Would it not be great to have some proof photos to answer many questions as to what goes on in my absents? With that in mind, I researched the web, looking for a camera that was cheap but rated high to get started. I did not want to spend too much in case it did not work out. I reviewed for weeks the merits of certain models, actions shots, photos etc. I read hundreds of reviews. This action was the smartest and most successful part of the plan. The rest was not so good.
As you will see below, my camera works very well. However, the only
images it has managed to capture is ME going out to check on the coop.
BTW, I carefully selected the photos. Some of the pictures were so unflattering I
have now vowed to never eat again. It is a diet for me.
So have and look and be the judge. It was a FAIL in my book but funny.
This is the first shot I retrieved. It is me checking that the camera is working. Well it is.
Here is me again a few days later, going out to check on the girls. Yes I am a fan of the band "Chicken Foot". Great band and great hat.
Here is me the next day again, on the way back from checking the girls. Ho hum....
This is the picture I got about 1003 times. It is of the coop and garden with absolutely nothing happening. What is triggering the camera?? I think it is the branch movement.
Oups - I managed to capture 2 of the girls looking out wondering where I was. I am sure they are awaiting a snack.
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